It is essential, now more than ever, that we as a community come together opposing these tyrannical infringements IN PERSON. Your presence alone makes a difference, and it is crucial that we are in attendance. Your voice matters, your participation makes a difference, and the opposition is counting on you to not show up.
We understand that it is asking a lot of you to take time away from your careers and families to show up to the Capitol. We also understand too often that hearings happen with little to short notice. The system is designed to be abrupt, inconvenient and impose on your daily life so that you will not appear, you will not resist and you will not participate in your right to oppose these absurd efforts to disarm Colorado. This is exactly why it is so important that you show up.
We also implore you to get involved and testify in public hearing. It’s preferred that people show up in person to testify, but this can be done remotely as well. All participation, locally and nationally is welcomed and needed. If you would like to sign up to testify, whether in person or remote, you can follow the link shown here:
You will be given 2 minutes to speak. Keep your points valid and direct, your perspective and personal stories matter. You can also take notes and do research as the hearing is in progress if you hear your points already addressed. Do not wear RED as red symbolizes Moms demand action, a very anti-gun organization.
If you are testifying in person:
Please show up dressed professionally and without shirts lobbying for certain political groups. They will not be allowed in the committee room. Although you will not be allowed to eat in the committee room, we highly advise you bring water, snacks, an extra phone charger, paper, pen, laptop, i-pad, etc. to take notes. You can step out to snack and eat as needed. Bring any and all medication you will need as well.
200 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Entrance is north side Colfax and Sherman Ave.
Handicap accessible entrance is located on ground level, 14th and Sherman Ave. under the stairs.
‘Old State Library’ room
2nd floor of Capitol, to your right as you exit the elevators.
There will be placards outside the room to denote the bills being heard in that room.
You can download the SPOT HERO app and find a parking lot to book beforehand for more cost effective parking.
There are meters and lots around the area, plan on having cash and card in hand just in case. Handicap persons can park with handicap placards at meters for the day without paying. Do not park at metered spots unless you want a ticket - hearings can last late into the night. Only the south doors will be open after hours.
There will be metal detector screening for entrance into the capitol. Make arrangements for safe storage in your vehicle with a car safe if carrying firearms. Keep in mind, as of January 01, 2025, Colorado now has safe storage mandates for firearm storage in unattended vehicles (HB24-1348). You can find more information on this bill here:
For more information about the Colorado State Capitol Security protocols click here
Testifying Online:
You’ll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link. Click on that link before the time of hearing on that date. When your name gets called, click on the bottom of the Zoom link that says “raise hand.” You’ll then be put on screen by the operator and once called on you can testify. Be sure you are in a location with adequate lighting, sound, and power to remain connected. This testimony will be seen and heard by everyone in person as well as whomever is watching/listening online. You will also be a part of the public hearing record for your testimony.
Please reach out if you need any pointers or tips on what to highlight. The main thing here is to show power in numbers and let the people and committee know you are an active member in this community and your voice deserves attention and honor.
I know it's tempting to say ‘it's unconstitutional’ and ‘shall not be infringed’ when testifying, however keep in mind the way we will this is to resonate with your personal stories, how this is not effective for public safety, the way this will affect our communities, etc. Showcase your value and personalize your testimony. This is about you and your voice. Use it.
Feel free to record your remote testimony and share it online to inspire others to get involved.
For more information on in person and remote testimony protocols:
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